Established in 2004, the Dame Hilary Cropper Foundation supports historically disadvantaged young South Africans by providing tangible help and practical assistance to offer hope for a positive future
Our work has funded many children, teenagers and young adults providing education, care and shelter in what is often a bleak and turbulent world. Such opportunities would otherwise be beyond their reach due to their background and circumstances.
Thanks to our insight into the many challenges faced by the Foundation’s beneficiaries, an emphasis on youth development has evolved as a focal point for our efforts. Our aim is to transform the lives of unemployed 18-25 year olds, giving them the opportunity to build the capabilities and capacity that they need to find meaningful and sustainable employment.
The Foundation’s innovative Youth Development model is based on a holistic programme of learning and growth that goes far beyond skills and technical training. Its design focuses heavily on personal development and is shaped on workplace practices – elements that make a real difference in transitioning into the world of work with the attitude and aptitude that employers are looking for.
The impact of the approach is evident from the impressive results delivered by the first of the Foundation’s youth-focused initiatives, the Pinotage Youth Development Academy
The outcomes are a testament to the talents of the young South Africans who have so far completed the programme and who are living proof of the benefits of the approach.
Through their positive influence and their drive to succeed, the effect of the Foundation’s programme is multiplied, benefitting the students and graduates directly, as well as their families, dependants and broader communities.
It is our ambition to expand the programme into other areas of South Africa and to replicate it across multiple industries. We can and will make a genuine and substantial difference to the lives of young people and bring hope and optimism for the future.